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FMI CAP Profile Version 1.1.0

This version:

Current operative version:

Changelog in HTML or Markdown format.


This document defines a CAP profile for warnings issued by the Finnish Meteorological Institute. The profile extends MetCoOp CAP profile v1.0 by placing further restrictions while being 100% compatible.

Profile versioning

This profile is versioned using semantic versioning. Changes in patch and minor versions are backwards compatible when the client implementation conforms to the compatibility rules.

General compatibility rules

Date-time elements

Date-time elements shall be presented in local time zone Europe/Helsinki. That is +02:00 (EET) or +03:00 (EEST).


Use: mandatory
MetCoOp profile: alert

The <alert> element is the root element of the CAP document. The <alert> describes a single FMI warning in all three languages (Finnish, Swedish, English) targeted at a single or multiple areas.


Use: mandatory
MetCoOp profile: identifier

The <identifier> element specifies a unique string to identify the document. The identifier is a URN (Uniform Resource Name) kind of URI (Uniform Resource Identifier), referencing to an OID (Object identifier). The base of the OID is a WMO alerting country-msg

CAP alert identifier format of an FMI warning:

Field Description
country ISO 3166-1 numeric country code. That is 246 for Finland.
authority National alerting authority number registered by WMO. That is 0 for FMI.
authority-specific-oid-tree An OID tree (integers separated by period) identifying the CAP message. May contain arbitrarily long non-negative integers.

Compatibility rule: Do not parse the identifier at all. It should be used only as a unique string per sender identifying the message. The format of the identifier is subject to change in major versions, and the authority-specific-oid-tree part format is subject to change in patch versions.


Use: mandatory
MetCoOp profile: sender

The <sender> element content is the WMO alerting authority OID ( formatted as a URN. For FMI it is:



Use: mandatory
MetCoOp profile: sent

The <sent> element contains the publication time of the warning.


Use: mandatory
MetCoOp profile: status

The <status> element is as specified by MetCoOp profile specification.


Use: mandatory
MetCoOp profile: msgType

The <msgType> element is as specified by MetCoOp profile specification.


Use: omitted
MetCoOp profile: source

The <source> element is omitted, as specified by the MetCoOp profile.


Use: mandatory
MetCoOp profile: scope

The <scope> element is as specified by MetCoOp profile specification.


Use: omitted
MetCoOp profile: restriction

The <restriction> element is omitted, as specified by the MetCoOp profile.


Use: mandatory
MetCoOp profile: code

The <code> element has multiple instances. The following codes are always included:

  1. The CAP document conforms to FMI CAP profile version 1.1.0.
  1. The CAP document conforms to MetCoOp CAP profile version 1.0.

Compatibility rule: Within minor versions of the FMI profile the format of the URL shall remain the same. Only the version number is subject to change reflecting the current profile version number.


Use: omitted
MetCoOp profile: note

The <note> element is omitted, as specified by the MetCoOp profile.


Use: conditional
MetCoOp profile: references

The <references> element is as specified by MetCoOp profile specification. It is omitted with msgType Alert. With msgType Update or Cancel this element is mandatory and contains references to all previously issued non-expired alerts it supersedes. References are given in the CAP standard format:



Use: omitted
MetCoOp profile: incidents

The <incidents> element is currently omitted.


Use: mandatory
MetCoOp profile: info

The <info> element has multiple instances, one localized element for each provided language in undefined order.


Use: mandatory
MetCoOp profile: language

The <language> element has one of the following values:

Language name <language>
Finnish fi-FI
Swedish sv-FI
English en-GB


Use: mandatory
MetCoOp profile: category

The <category> element value is always:



Use: mandatory
MetCoOp profile: event

The <event> element value is a fixed localized string determined by FMI event code. Possible values are listed in following table.

Event code <event> Finnish <event> Swedish <event> English
coldWeather Pakkasvaroitus Varning för köld Cold warning
forestFireWeather Maastopalovaroitus Varning för terrängbrand Wildfire warning
hotWeather Hellevaroitus Varning för värmebölja Heat wave warning
pedestrianSafety Jalankulkusää Fotgängarvädret Pedestrian weather warning
rain Sadevaroitus Nederbördsvarning Heavy rain warning
seaIcing Jäätämisvaroitus Varning för nedisning av fartyg Ice accreation warning
seaThunderstorm Raju ukonilma Varning för våldsamt åskväder Severe thunderstorm warning
seaWaterHeight Merivedenkorkeusvaroitus Varning för vattenstånd Sea level warning
seaWaveHeight Aallokkovaroitus Varning för hård sjögång Wave height warning
seaWind Tuulivaroitus merelle Vind varning för sjöområden Wind warning for sea area
thunderstorm Raju ukonilma Varning för våldsamt åskväder Severe thunderstorm warning
trafficWeather Liikennesää Trafikvädret Traffic weather warning
uvNote UV-tiedote UV-meddelande UV advisory
wind Tuulivaroitus maa-alueille Vindvarning för landområden Wind warning for land areas

Compatibility rule: Do not determine the event from the contents of the <event> element. Instead, use <eventCode> with <valueName> referring to this profile. Use contents of this element to display the event to the end user. The <event> content is subject to change in patch versions.


Use: omitted
MetCoOp profile: responseType

The <responseType> element is currently omitted.


Use: mandatory
MetCoOp profile: urgency

The <urgency> element value is determined from the duration between <sent> and <onset>. The following table describes the threshold for each urgency value.

Distance (h) <urgency>
x < 1 Immediate
1 ≤ x < 6 Expected
6 ≤ x Future

Compatibility rule: The distance threshold values may change in minor versions.


Use: mandatory
MetCoOp profile: severity

The <severity> element content is mapped 1:1 with the colour code system used by FMI. The mapping is presented in the following table.

Colour <severity>
Green Minor
Yellow Moderate
Orange Severe
Red Extreme


Use: mandatory
MetCoOp profile: certainty

The <certainty> element content is mapped from FMI warning probability (see Numeric parameters) by the CAP specification.

Probability <certainty>
>50% Likely
≤50% Possible

Following <certainty> values are never used:

Compatibility rule: The probability threshold values may change in minor versions.


Use: omitted
MetCoOp profile: audience

The <audience> element is omitted, as specified by the MetCoOp profile.


Use: mandatory
MetCoOp profile: eventCode

The <eventCode> element has a single instance. Its <valueName> is always:


The <value> is one of the values in the table below. See event for code descriptions.


Compatibility rule: Use <eventCode> with <valueName> referring to this profile to determine the event type instead of <event>. Codes may be removed (not used anymore) in minor versions. New event codes may be added in major versions.


Use: omitted
MetCoOp profile: effective

The <effective> element is omitted, as specified by the MetCoOp profile.


Use: mandatory
MetCoOp profile: onset

The <onset> element is as specified by MetCoOp profile specification.


Use: mandatory
MetCoOp profile: expires

The <expires> element is as specified by MetCoOp profile specification.


Use: mandatory
MetCoOp profile: senderName

The <senderName> element content is the official localized name of FMI.


Use: mandatory
MetCoOp profile: headline

The <headline> element is as specified by MetCoOp profile specification. The content is localized.


Use: mandatory
MetCoOp profile: description

The <description> element is as specified by MetCoOp profile specification. The content is localized.


Use: omitted
MetCoOp profile: instruction

The <instruction> element is currently omitted.


Use: mandatory
MetCoOp profile: web

The <web> element content is a URL linking to the localized warnings front page on the FMI website.


Use: mandatory
MetCoOp profile: contact

The <contact> element content is a URL linking to the contact information page on the FMI website.


Use: mandatory
MetCoOp profile: parameter

The <parameter> element has multiple instances.

Colour parameter

Use: mandatory
<valueName> color (note the spelling)

Colour code indicating the severity of the awareness level. Possible values are listed in the table below.

<value> Description
green no major danger (not used)
yellow dangerous weather may occur
orange dangerous weather
red very dangerous weather

Numeric parameters

Use: conditional
<valueName> see table below

The existence of numeric parameters depends on the warning being issued. The table below lists possible parameters, the parameter value format, accompanying unit of measure parameter and event codes the parameter is applicable with.

The numeric parameter value is either an integer or a decimal number. In the table below the number of decimals is presented in parentheses in the <value> format column. The value is always formatted in en_US locale regardless of the info locale to ensure compatibility with automated systems.

Most numeric parameters are accompanied by a parameter denoting a unit of measure (uom). Possible unit values for each parameter are listed in the UOM <value> column of the table below.

Parameter <valueName> <value> format UOM <valueName> UOM <value> Applicable events
Precipitation precipitation integer precipitationUom mm/h
Probability probability integer probabilityUom % (optionally any)
Temperature temperature integer temperatureUom °C hotWeather
UV index uvIndex integer n/a n/a uvNote
Wave height waveHeight decimal (1) waveHeightUom m seaWaveHeight
Wind direction windDirection integer windDirectionUom ° seaThunderstorm
Wind intensity windIntensity integer windIntensityUom m/s seaThunderstorm

Warning cause parameter

Use: conditional
<valueName> eventCause

Warnings may contain zero or more associated causes. Possible values are listed in the table below with event codes the value is applicable with. If a warning has multiple causes, all existing values are listed in unspecified order in the <value> element separated by a whitespace. On zero causes the parameter is omitted.

<value> Applicable events
bitingFrost coldWeather
blowingSnow trafficWeather
driftingSnow trafficWeather
fallingTemperature trafficWeather
fog trafficWeather
freezingRain trafficWeather
freezingDrizzle trafficWeather
highWater seaWaterHeight
hoarfrostAffectedRoads trafficWeather
iceCoveredRoads trafficWeather
rain pedestrianSafety
risingTemperature trafficWeather
shallowWater seaWaterHeight
sleet trafficWeather
slushCoveredRoads trafficWeather
snow pedestrianSafety
snowCoveredRoads trafficWeather
snowOnIce pedestrianSafety
snowOrSleet trafficWeather
snowRuttedRoads trafficWeather
snowstorm trafficWeather
strongWind trafficWeather
tamping pedestrianSafety
tightFrost coldWeather
waterOnIce pedestrianSafety

Typical impacts parameter

Use: conditional
<valueName> typicalImpacts

The <value> content is a localized description of the typical impacts of the event. This parameter is included whenever such description exists, otherwise omitted.

Other parameters

The eventEndingTime parameter suggested by MetCoOp CAP profile is currently omitted.


Use: omitted
MetCoOp profile: resource

The <resource> element is currently omitted.


Use: mandatory
MetCoOp profile: area

The <area> element is as specified by MetCoOp profile specification. See description of child elements in this profile for further details.


Use: mandatory
MetCoOp profile: areaDesc

The <areaDesc> element contains the official localized name of the area in the language of the surrounding <info> element. If no localized name exists, official name in sender language shall be used. If area has no official name (e.g. arbitrary free-hand polygons), this element contains a comma+space (', ') separated list of named areas that overlap the polygon with at least 20% coverage.


Use: mandatory
MetCoOp profile: polygon

The <polygon> element is as specified by MetCoOp profile specification.


Use: omitted
MetCoOp profile: circle

The <circle> element is currently omitted.


Use: conditional
MetCoOp profile: geocode

The <geocode> element is used when a proper value exists in the code sets listed in the table below. If a value exists in multiple code sets, an element is created for each code set. When no code exists, the geocode element is omitted.

<valueName> <value> description
ISO 3166-2 ISO 3166-2:FI county code.
FI-kuntanumero Finnish municipality number (kuntanumero), declared in kuntaluettelo (municipality directory) published by Digi- ja väestötietovirasto.
METAREA Baltic sub-areas declared in WMO No. 9 Volume D Information for Shipping.


Use: omitted
MetCoOp profile: altitude

The <altitude> element is currently omitted.


Use: omitted
MetCoOp profile: ceiling

The <ceiling> element is currently omitted.